Alec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Mozilla0.9.5 is probably the slowest browser I've ever come across.
> As an example, on my K6-2 550Mhz & 256Mb RAM box, when I'm in 
> "Edit/Preferences" and click on "Fonts", it takes 2.5 seconds for the fonts> 
> menu to actually appear. C'mon!
> Again, in my experience, Konqueror is somewhat faster than Mozilla, while 
> Netscape4.77 is the fastest. On Windows, IE5.0 was much faster more stable 
> than Netscape4.*, so it makes me wonder if one can run IE under Wine.

I've seen it done. I don't know, however, if all the features work
(a co-worker did it just to see if he could and then went back to using
Not sure how to do it except that you mount your windows partition and
run it off that.

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