On Sat, 2001-12-08 at 12:37, Christoph Simon wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Dec 2001 13:55:12 -0600
> Dimitri Maziuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > <SIGH/> All browsers suck. Konqueror on my woody box is incapable
> > of displaying GIF89a's, Netscape 6.x has problems displaying some
> > CSS + tables pages (as in "some parts of the page are simply not
> > there"). Anything derived from mozilla is a horrible memory hog 
> > (when used with another memory hog -- Forte -- they can easily 
> > bring your box down to its knees), and Netscape 4.x leaves behind 
> > runaway processes that have to be tracked down and killed every 
> > week or so -- otherwise the box becomes unusable... 
> > Is there IE for Linux?

Mozilla has been a memory hog.  But, there was a really great bugfix
lately.  The problem was that, when opening and closing new windows,
Mozilla was leaking basically the entire contents of that window.  Those
of us who browse using a lot of windows were getting killed by this
bug.  Now that it is fixed, Mozilla's memory consumption stabilizes
after startup.



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