Hello all,
I am trying to compile a couple of screensavers, and they call for a
file called vroot.h, apparently in /usr/X11R6/include/X11/.  I looked
at packages.debian.org for which package it comes in (I would have
thought xlibs-dev) but oddly, there is no such file.  Googling it I
find that it "is the standard X root window <blah blah blah>" - Is it
just called something else under Debian, in which case I can just
change the name of the file that the source is looking for?  Or is it
just totally absent in our distro - seems unlikely, as many apps use
the root window under X, and they all seem to know how to get to it.
Perhaps I'm just missing something, but I'm hoping for help.
Not a high priority, you understand, as it is _just_ a screensaver,
but I am trying out the compiling from source thing with small, simple
things so that I can get a feel for writing, and these little trip-ups
can be a little frustrating.
TIA and sorry for the ramble,
Welcome to the Zoo!

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