#include <hallo.h>
David Bellows wrote on Fri Dec 14, 2001 um 02:53:41PM:
> everything seemed to be installed and recognized with my USB joystick 
> but no applications would work with it.  So here's what worked for me.  
> Most applications look for the joystick at: /dev/js0 not 
> /dev/input/js0.  So I added a symlink (ln -s /dev/input/js0 /dev/js0), 
> rebooted, and everything worked.

The problem are not device node names, the problem is the change of the
major/minor number of these devices, introduced with the new driver
(working  the HID (aka dev-input) framework). Many people have still
/dev/js* files created by the old MAKEDEV version for kernel 2.2.x (=old
joystick driver), so the newer kernels won't be able to use them. The
problem disappears when you install the "joystick" package which has
scripts that look for the major number configuration and change the
device nodes where needed.

'Und dann muß man den Computer herunterladen, sonst stürzt er ab.'
                                                 (Harald Schmidt)

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