
I admit it, lured by the promise of a faster screensaver I installed
the closed source nVidia GL libraries and modules, and now I'm
suffering for it.

My GL screen hacks are running 4x faster, but I can't switch virtual
terminals and am limited to a single running Xsession (I usually have
three or four open for other member of my household).

If I CTRL-ALT-F<n> all I get is noise, *sometimes* I can get back to X
sometimes I can't.  If I actually close X my console is locked, so I'm
forced to run a display manager to respawn X.

I sould probably just reinstal the packages nVidia has stomped on and
repent of my proprietary ways, but has anyone else experienced this
and know a different fix?

I'm running sid with:
2.4.14-686-smp (debian official)
xserver-xfree86 4.1.0-9
nVidia Corporation Riva TnT [NV04] (rev 04) (PCI)
Dual PPro 200Mhz 256M

and the evil:

Interesting dmesg stuff:
Warning: Remapping obsolete /dev/fb* minor 32 to 1
Warning: Remapping obsolete /dev/fb* minor 64 to 2
Warning: Remapping obsolete /dev/fb* minor 96 to 3

Shamefully yours,

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