On Wed, 2001-12-19 at 22:31, Steffen Evers wrote:
> Can you hint to a document
> or anything how I can use the TV out. What do I need to get the DRI
> working?

Hi Steffen,

DRI: mh, isn't it on by default? I just had to set DGA (loadmodule) once
for a TV card (ALDI, die Monokarte :-)) had to be run.

If not already, the first step is to get the latest binary drivers from
nvidia.com->drivers->linux, use the dist-independent tarballs and follow
the instructions in INSTALL.
After "make" has been done (installs the binary drivers and compiles &
installs a kernel module interface as well as documentation).
Insert NVdriver into /etc/modules to autoload the driver module each
The doc under /usr/share/doc/nvidia has several docs and X samples,
including one dedicated for TV out. Besides that, here some excerpts
from my X config for minimal config and use (== no extra features like
twin view etc.).:

# add this section for your second display devide, i.e. the TV
Section "Screen"
    Identifier  "ScreenTV"
    Device      "NVidia GeForce"
    Monitor     "TV"
    DefaultDepth 24
    SubSection "Display"
        Depth      24
        Modes      "640x480"
        ViewPort   0 0
    Option      "TVStandard"            "PAL-B" #germany
    Option      "ConnectedMonitor"      "TV"

# add this section and uncomment it to use the TV as output device and 
# restart X
# normally, uncommenting it can be avoided by starting X with the 
# serverlayout param, but this did not worked for me :-(
#Section "ServerLayout"
#    Identifier         "UseTV"
#    Screen             "ScreenTV"
#    InputDevice                "Stick"         "CorePointer"
#    InputDevice                "Keyboard"      "CoreKeyboard"

good luck,


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