> I have a Debian Potato. I would like to use Balsa 1.2.3, which is 
> available as
> part of Debian Woody. I have read in many places that an upgrade 
> from potato to
> woody is easy, but I must be missing something. 
> apt-get dist-upgrade <cr>
> is not enough. What am I missing?

Maybe your /etc/apt/sources.list point to potato or stable? Were you 
running apt-get update first?
It could help if you would post the messages that follows the apt-get 

> Paul
> PS Am I crazy to comtemplate this upgrade?


    Shaul Karl
    email: shaulka(at-no-spam)bezeqint.net 
           Please replace (at-no-spam) with an at - @ - character.
           (at-no-spam) is meant for unsolicitate mail senders only.


    Shaul Karl
    email: shaulka(at-no-spam)bezeqint.net 
           Please replace (at-no-spam) with an at - @ - character.
           (at-no-spam) is meant for unsolicitate mail senders only.

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