On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Thomas Hallaran wrote:

> I am a white 22 year old very very far to the left debian user and though
> I am not personally responsible,people of my race ARE responsible for much
> of the world's woes. White males like : John Zerzan, Wendell Berry, Howard
> Zinn, and myself told ME so --

Oh, OK.  Boy was I wrong!  We should all pay dearly for other peoples
fuckups, right?  Screw you, buddy.  Just because someone thought it was a
good idea to buy and sell people 200 years ago doesn't mean that I should
be paying for current day people's food stamps and hair extensions and
press-on finger nails.  Black reparations?  Suck me, you lefty jackass.
You and Teddy Kennedy deserve eachother.

> Tom, who is looking forward to a time when we have all f*cked race out of
> existance.

Ian, who is looking forward to a time when leftists are shipped off to the
places they so religiously defend; then they find out the areas really ARE

Consider this a reminder that not everyone that uses Linux is a Communist
long-hair who is hell-bent on destroying the "evil" USA.  You dripping

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