I've just installed bugzilla on a machine running "testing" and a few bits from "unstable". I have few questions.

1) This is being used in a closed group and closely administered, so I do not want any user to add their own account. ie. I want all account to setup by the administrator. I could n't find an option in bugzilla to restrict this. Can this be done ???

2) There is file /etc/bugzilla/localconfig which I have edited so that I only display the platforms and operating systems that are pertinent to our projects. I can not for the life of me get these modifications to show up on the my browsers. I've tried restarting mysql and apache using "/etc/init.d/mysql restart" and "/etc/init.d/apache restart" but it didn't make any differece. Is this file actually used ? How can I get bugzilla to read the new settings ???

Thanks for any help or pointers,
Brendan Simon.

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