On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 06:18:15PM +0100, Willem-Jan Meijer wrote:
> Hello,
> Last week I upgraded my debian system to testing/unstable. Then I turned off
> my computer and didn't use it for two days. Today I wanted to use it again,
> but now I only see a grey screen w/o the cross in the middle. The screen
> isn't equal grey, but with white spots on it. I'm using a geforce 2 with the
> nv driver, this mix worked well before. I know I actually must use the
> nvidia-kernel driver, I tried several times befor. I can build the package
> and install it, but when I reconfigure the x-server xfree86 I don't see the
> driver in the list.

I am using nvidia 4191 kernel with my gforce2. The name of the nvidia
driver changes depending on which nvidia kernel you are using.

If you are using debconf to manage /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, you will
need to edit XF86Config-4 and put something like the following at the
top of the file:

# The area before the DEBCONF SECTION is needed for using
# the NVdriver kernel module from nVidia.
# If I want to revert to using the "nv" driver, remember to add
#       Load    "GLcore"
#       Load    "dri"
# to Section "Module"
# and remember to uninstall nvidis-glx package.

Section  "Device"
        Identifier      "NVdriver Device"
        Driver          "nvidia"
        Option          "NvAgp"   "1" #I need this; you may not

Section "Screen"
        Identifier      "NVdriver Screen"

[snip: mode definitions for my monitor]


Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier      "My Server Layout"
        Screen          "NVdriver Screen"
        InputDevice     "Generic Keyboard"
        InputDevice     "Configured Mouse"



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