Lev Lvovsky wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Dec 2001, Erik Steffl wrote:
> >   imo it's very useful to have the eamil delivery&storage separate from
> > email clients.
> >
> >   from this point of view the ideal situation is to use IMAP, server
> > side filtering (like sieve with cyrus) and let them use any clients they
> > want...
> from a management side, letting users use whatever they like can be
> problematic.  unification makes problem solving a lot simpler.

  support the standard (one or two email clients), the rest is
unsupported but allowed... (most of them are free so there's no
licencing issue). then again, it's of course up to them to set up the
policy. my point was that when using IMAP to store email they can easily
change email clients, offer secure email access from anywhere (within
LAN or from outside). the flexibility is there, they don't necessarily
have to use all of it at once...

> >   not sure how to get there from exchange, does exchange offer imap
> > access?
> yes it does.  as well as pop3 (plus an MS one I believe..)

  then it should be nobrainer - switch to imap, run some imap server
alongside with exchange (to test it), over time convert everything to

  that way the question of which email client to use is not that


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