Brian Nelson wrote:

> > ... but I don't think I could get our users to go over to a non-GUI
> > program.
> Why is that?  Because they've bought into the marketing pitch that
> pretty graphics == better software?  That's bullshit.  There's no good
> reason any user couldn't become more proficient with a text-mode client.

What I've found in trying to get GUI-dependent people to use mutt is
that they resist having to memorize a bunch of keystroke commands (no
matter how easy, and despite the fact that the most common ones are
listed at the top of the screen!). They'd rather point and click; they
know how to do that already, and they don't see why they should go to
the (minimal) bother of learning a keyboard-based UI. This isn't an
intelligence problem, either; some of these people are quite bright, but
they don't see learning mutt as worth their bother when good GUI
alternatives exist. And Sylpheed is actually pretty good; if I didn't
need a text-based interface (for accessing my mail in an ssh session
across the internet, on a slow enough connection that X forwarding is
out of the question), I might use it myself. But since I need a
text-mode MUA, I use mutt.


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