on Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 02:14:36AM +0100, Michael Mauch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > on Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 04:31:12PM +0100, Michael Mauch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> > wrote:
> > > Karsten M. Self wrote:


> > With gcc-2.95-doc installed, load time is ~1-2 seconds in Galeon from a
> > text file sitting on /tmp.
> Wow, that's fast. Is that the time time until it starts displaying the
> first page(s) or is it the time until the whole page is loaded (CPU
> usage goes down to normal, mouse cursor is normal again)? 

Whole page.  Note that as Galeon allows reading and navigating (e.g.:
page-down) during page load, the primary concern is how long before the
text renders suitably for reading.

> This takes more than 30 seconds here. Oh, wait a moment - Galeon 1.0
> from the Debian system really is a lot faster (2 seconds for the whole
> file). So maybe something went wrong with my Galeon-0.12.7 build here
> (built from sources on something that once was a SuSE-6.1).

0.12.x => 1.0 made some strides.

> I'm sorry, this was my own fault then.


Honest, too....


> > > > > When I want to search a directory of HTML files, I tend to grep it
> > > > > first, then view the files that seem to be apropos.
> > > > 
> > > > One better:
> > > > 
> > > >     $ less $( grep -l 'pattern' filelist )
> > > 
> > > And then you read the plain HTML source? Not very cool, frankly.
> > 
> > <pedantic>
> >     $ for file in $( list ); do w3m $file; done
> > </pedantic>
> And then I type my search string into a dozen of w3m instances? Still
> not convinced.

OK.  Write a script:


    TEMPFILE=$( tempfile )

    if [ ! -f ${TEMPFILE}.html ]
        then mv $TEMPFILE ${TEMPFILE}.html || ( rm -f $TEMPFILE; exit 1 )
        else exit 1

    trap 'rm -f $TEMPFILE' 0 1 2 3 13 15


    echo "<html><body><ol> $(
        for file in $( grep -l "$pattern" $filelist )
            echo "<li><a href='$file'>$file</a>"
        )</ol></body></html>" > $TEMPFILE
    w3m $TEMPFILE
    rm -f $TEMPFILE

Invoke as:  $ w3mgrep "pattern" list of files to search

> > > A local search engine like mnogosearch, htdig or glimpse could help,
> > > of course. Is there a Debian package with already set-up configuration
> > > for one of these? I seem to remember that FreeBSD has something like
> > > this (htdig-based and with man2html and info2html).
> > 
> > Try dwww.
> Thank you, that's great! And with info2www the info books are there,
> too. But then: how can I search for e.g. "assembler" in the gawk book?

No idea.  I started using dwwww yesterday ;-)

> > > I think a decent search facility is a must for more in-depth
> > > documentation. If I _know_ that I want to use newwin(3), I can easily
> > > type "man newwin". But if I just want to get started with curses, I am
> > > really lost after "man -k curses". A hierarchical "book" (be it in
> > > HTML or in info format) with a "Getting started" topic is a lot more
> > > user-friendly in such cases.
> > 
> > Most man pages have a "SEE ALSO" section.
> Yes, but it's totally unstructured and these "links" tell nothing about
> what I might expect on the "linked" pages. Just the man page names, and
> then "go figure it out for yourself, we don't care where you get lost in
> man page land".

You can _somewhat_ work things out, if only by the man page section (man
man for info), which will tell you if the page is a command, a file,
system or library call, or other component.  Could be better, but at
least it's there.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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