I was running an update on my sid system, and everything seemed to be going fine until it died with the following:

Reading Package Lists... Error!
E: Read error - read (5 Input/output error)
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

Everything I try to do results in this error. When this happened, I noticed that /var was at 99% usage, so I deleted the .deb's in /var/cache/apt/archive to free up some room (there were lots of old .deb's there in addition to the fresh ones it just got). I figured that if the .deb's it wanted wern't there, it would just reget them. Anyway, I don't think that's the problem, but I don't know what file it's trying to read when it complains about the "Package Lists." My untrained eye doesn't seem anything missing (as compared to a working system) in the /var/lib/apt or /var/lib/dpkg dirs.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what went wrong, and/or how to fix it?



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