dman wrote:

I want my display to blank (or "off" or "suspend" or "standby" or
whatever) if it is left idle for a long period of time.  I have this
working in GNOME if I am logged in and leave the screen saver running,
but I want it to work even if the gdm login screen is displayed.  I
looked at 'man XFree86-4' and found the following relevant options :

# time is in minutes
Option      "BlankTime"     "35"
#Option      "StandbyTime"   "2"
#Option      "SuspendTime"   "3"
Option      "OffTime"       "60"

They are in the "ServerLayout" section of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.

However I don't see anything happen if I watch gdm for a while.  (I
tried smaller numbers before so I wouldn't have to wait long)  I also
        Load  "dpms"
in the "Module" section and
        Option      "DPMS"
in the "Monitor" section.

Any ideas why the monitor doesn't go black?


Check /var/log/XFree.0.log to see that DPMS is enabled.
You did stop and restart gdm after changing /etc/X11/XF86Config-4?


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