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On Thursday 27 December 2001 02:26 pm, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
> I am trying to setup an Seagate IDE tape device.
> /dev/tape is not linked.  I saw that the device
> created for this might be /dev/ht0?

Depends on your kernel setup, I also have a Seagate tape drive, but I am 
using ide-scsi emulation for cd-burning and had less problems by also using 
it for the tape device.

Short answer:
If CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDETAPE is set your tape device will be /dev/ht0
if CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST is set it will be /dev/st0

> This Tape device was on the machine when I installed
> Debian so I assume it was recognized and setup.  I
> am not familiar with IDE tape devices so I am not
> sure about it's setup.  It is listed as /dev/hdd at boot.

It is most probably set up, the /dev/tape link is just a convenience not 
required.  Try using
# tar cvf /dev/ht0 <some-dir>
and then
# tar tvf /dev/ht0
If that works, then you can make the link yourself.  Also, you can add the 
users who need to use the tape drive to the "tape" group and making sure that 
group has read/write permissions on the device.

> I am assuming since it is not SCSI that I won't need the
> generic SCSI driver.  I am also assuming that if I
> compile a kernel I won't need to mark any options specific
> to an IDE tape device?  Are these correct assumptions?

You won't need it (SCSI), but yes, you will have to select one of the above 

> Are there any HOWTO's on the subject?  All I saw on LDP were
> SCSI tape devices.

I don't know of any offhand, but you can probably take what's said in the 
HOWTO you mentioned and just substitute ht for st.

- -- 
reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b')))
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