On Fri, 28 Dec 2001 21:12:15 +0100, Thomas Deselaers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a strange problem, for which today I figured out how to repeat.
> Logging in over gdm into gnome-session and then starting mozilla and going
> to a site which requires a login (e.g. www.sms.de) kills X and gives me a
> new gdm login. Same happens with netscape, too.
> Can anyone tell me how I can stop this strange behaving?

No idea.  But, check the X logs which may be more informative.
        /var/log/XFree86.?.log, ~/.xsession-errors

Note, check ~/.xsession-errors via a console login after this happens
(it is overwritten at the start of a new X session).

By chance, using direct rendering and/or any third party video card
drivers?  Maybe a connection?  Using Java?

Also, try launching mozilla from the command line and directing its
output to a file (it may give a clue)...

Eric G. Miller <egm2@jps.net>

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