I've RTFM (with the 'R' pronounced "red" not "reed"), checked the manpages &
info, the HOWTO's, Google, and some other places over the past two days.
With all those resources, all my soundcard will put out, other than the
standard beep, is a squawk. The squawk length has nothing to do with format,
just the file size.

My machine has an ESS ES1688 AudioDrive. According to the HOWTO, I can use
the SoundBlaster driver sb.o. My manual gives slightly conflicting signals
as to if it's PnP, but from what I've read over the past two days, it
probably is, although pnpdump reports "No boards found". When any output is
attempted through /dev/sequencer, nothing is heard and I get a message
stating that the device is not configured. Other audio devices squawk, or
claim that it does not exist, even though I see it under /dev.

Thanks for any help,


Attachment: sound.notes
Description: Binary data

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