<quote who="Anthony Campbell">
> On my desktop, I can telnet to myself but not ftp.
> On my laptop, I can ftp to myself but not telnet.
> Any suggestions for what needs to be configured? Is this perhaps
> why plip won't connect the two machines?

check inetd.conf or xinetd.conf if you use xinetd for
the telnet service. make sure telnetd is installed
(that is if you really want it). as for ftp there
is ftpds that run both inside inetd(e.g. ftpd) and
ftpds that can run outside of inetd(e.g. proftpd)
so check what ftpd you have installed and reconfigure
it in inetd.conf/xinetd.conf or if you have proftpd,
proftpd.conf if you really want ftpd running.

as for plip, i have never used it, can't imagine
a situation where i'd ever need it so ..can't
really help you there.


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