> The format is a "gzipped tarball" (gzip is a different format and
> algorithm than zip).  Both winzip and power archiver can open gzipped
> and tarred files without any trouble.  Once opened, I think the
> documents are in HTML format, but I'm not certain.

I was able to get the files using Winzip, however of the 92 files within the zip file most of the information seems to be in EPS and SGML format, which windows of course can not identify at this time.

What strikes me as funny is that the site in question (http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/) seems sincere in it efforts to help new Debian users, however those of us running a Windows environment can not read the documents they offer which would help us get away from the problems inherent in the Windows lifestyle ( grinding your teeth, pulling your hair out, punching your desk or wall, etc ) .. sigh <g>

Thanks for the tip.


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