On Tue, Jan 01, 2002 at 10:34:25AM -0600, Richard Cobbe wrote:
| Lo, on Tuesday, January 1, dman did write:
| > On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 09:27:36PM -0500, William T Wilson wrote:
| >  
| > | Casting you can't really get away from nor do you really need to.  In fact
| > | the more strongly typed the language is, the more casting you have to do.
| > 
| > This statement is incorrect.
| Agreed.
| > The strength and staticness of typing are two independent properties.
| Also agreed.

Cool, I'm glad you know this stuff too!

| However, I think that the flexibility of a type system is more important
| than its `strength' for removing the need for casts.

This sounds like a reasonable statement.

| When do people use typecasts in C/C++?  In my experience, they tend to
| happen in the following situations:
|   2) downcasts in a class hierarchy, as in Java.  (Note that `upcasts'
|      aren't really casts: if B is a subclass of A, then an instance of B
|      *is* an instance of A, no cast needed.)

This is only needed with unintelligent compiler.  *You* know you have
a B at runtime, but the compiler doesn't so it whines and complains.
Thus you must "cast" the pointer/reference to appease the compiler.
The cast in java doesn't do anything else (aside from a runtime
verification as well)[1].

|   3) Accessing external data in a callback function.  Callbacks in C and
|      C++ often take a void* parameter that points to data supplied by
|      the programmer when he registers the callback; to access this data,
|      it is necessary to cast it back to the original type.

I don't know about C++ frameworks that do this, but C's type system
certainly requires this.  In Java the callback is a class instance
anyways (since functions are not objects, nor can you take the address
of one).

| How do more flexible type systems handle these?
|   2) As several people have pointed out, too many downcasts indicate a
|      design flaw.

I agree here.

|      They are, however, useful in some situations, so (I
|      believe) many advanced languages with a static type system support
|      these.  However, as in Java, there's a run-time check that goes
|      with it.  C++'s dynamic_cast gets this right.

Take CORBA for example.  With python, you just have an object with the
given methods.  No problem, no difficulty.  With java you have to use
a special "narrow" method to create an instance of a class that
implements the interface, but does so in terms of corba calls.  With
the inflexible type system java uses, the downcast-wannabe is
necessary (ugh!).

|   3) There are a variety of strategies here.  My personal favorite is
|      to use first-class closures to implement callbacks; the external
|      data is no longer supplied as a parameter but is simply available
|      to the callback function due to normal scoping rules.

This sounds good to me :-).

|      If you're using a language without closures, like C++ or Java,
|      you can hack it up:

In java you _have_ to hack it up like this (for example,

|         template<typename T>
|         void register_callback(void (* cb)(T), T data);

That's not so bad, if you can stand the bloat this creates (C++
templates are expanded at compile time, thus you get one copy of this
function for each type it needs to work with).

| > I've heard that haskell has an even better type system, but I haven't
| > had time to learn it yet.
| Most of my experience with advanced programming languages has been in
| Scheme, which (despite what many people believe) *is* strongly-typed and
| type-safe, but it checks all types at runtime rather than compile time.
| As a result, I'm not really up on languages with compile-time type
| verifications systems, though I've been meaning to investigate them for
| a while now.  At any rate: I've heard that ML's type system is easier to
| learn than Haskell's; you may want to start there first.

Ok, I might do that.  I've heard a lot about various languages on
comp.lang.python, and one particular guru (he's a C++ guru also)
frequently mentions Haskell's typeclasses in flamewars regarding type


[1] with "primitive" types, I think java may do some conversion
    (certainly with float->int it must), but I'm not totally sure (I
    think with int->byte it doesn't, just truncates)


The Lord detests all the proud of heart.
Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.
        Proverbs 16:7

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