I got printing working, then must have broken it. Any diagnostic
tips will be appreciated. The details follow:

I started with a working debian "stable" system, built and installed a
2.4.17 kernel, and upgraded some packages to "testing". I got printing
working with CUPS and my Epson Stylus C60 printer by following the
at the linuxprinting.org web site. All was well at that point; I
could print from gimp, emacs, and directly from the console to lp0.

Then (!) I did some vmware reconfiguration and installed a 2.4.5 kernel,
hoping to be able to also print under Win2k on top of linux. I didn't get
win2k to print with vmware, but for some reason now I can't print anything
at all from Linux either, no matter which kernel I boot with (2.4.5 or
2.4.17). The printer does work if I dual-boot right into win2k, so it
doesn't seem to be a hardware problem. In Linux now, even if I do
"cat file.txt > lp0", nothing happens on the printer.

I have re-read the linuxprinting.org HOWTO and CUPS documentation and
tried to make sure everything is still set up as before, did a google
search and read some information I found there, but the
problem seems not to be with CUPS (I think), because when I print
something (say from gimp) and check with "lpstat", I do see the print job
listed for my epson queue, then the CPU utilization jumps for
several seconds, then the lpstat output shows nothing. If I type "cat
somefile.txt > lp0" I also get nothing.

Is there something else I could check to better troubleshoot this?
Any tips are very much appreciated; thanks!

Luke Call

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