On Mon, 31 Dec 2001 12:48:37 -0600
Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It might be worth having a look at the Euro-Char-Support mini-HOWTO
> (/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-html/mini/Euro-Char-Support/index.html if you
> have doc-linux-html installed, or somewhere on
> http://www.linuxdoc.org/). I'm not sure if it's good enough either - it
> was put together quite recently - but it does at least have the virtue
> of being concise.

Thanks for your help, Colin and Sean.

The document you mention is the problem. It does not help me at all. For
instance, it says that automatic configuration is possible with the
'lang-env' package. I cannot find any package with a name like 'lang-env'.
A search of Debian packages yields nothing.

Furthermore, paragraphs such as this are pretty incomprehensible to me:

"Programs use the localisation environment in order to know both the
language and the charset being used. Currently there is no separation,
unless you are using UTF-8 from locale and representation. Environment
locales use both the language for example:


What is .utf? Why are there certain files containing 'euro' but not
others. Why might I be inetersted in installing a Spanish language file. I
did enable the French Euro file, since I speak French, but this does not
appear to help. Do I need to enable it?

I have been using Linux for some years now, and have helped many with
their installations. If I am left confused and usable to add Euro support
to my box, what hope is there for others who are just starting along the
rocky Linux road?

I see no need to understand localisation issues. I want to be able to
choose my language/keyboard and do little more. I appreciate that adding
the Euro symbol is not as simple as it sounds, but somebody who knows how
to do it should be able to write a step-by-step crib sheet so that other
can get it working on their systems.

Phillip Deackes
Using Debian Linux

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