On Tue, Jan 01, 2002 at 09:24:52PM +0100, Pontus Edvardsson wrote:
| Hi,
| I'm on Woody, kernel 2.4.17 and have been trying to install the Java2 Runtime 
| v1.3.1 from Sun without any luck...
| I've followed their instructions; downloaded the autoextracting file and 
| unpacked it in /usr/java as they suggest. It doesen't report any problems, 
| but will not work either... Is this the only, or is there other java-runtimes 
| available for Debian? How can I troubleshoot?

My opinion is to forget those commercially distributed tarballs since
they are usually more complicated and you have no assurance that it
will work on _your_ system.  Instead, for java, go to blackdown.org
and add one of their mirrors to your apt sources.  The package is
'j2re1.3' or 'j2sdk1.3' depending on whether you want just the runtime
or the whole development bundle.



"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
        --Jim Elliot

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