I am running 2.2r4 potato. i need to upgrade my x, since only xfree86 4.1.0
supports my video card(matrox g450). So, i am trying to upgrade all x related
package such as xserver-common, xbase-clients etc 

when i do 
"apt-get upgrade xbase-clients" i get the message 0 upgraded, 0 installed, 0
to remove and 299 not upgraded. 
(before running the above command, i "did apt-get update" with 
sources.list pointing to woody.)     

i just wanted to see what would happen if i do a 
"apt-get dist upgrade"     
i get the message that xbase-clients, xdm, xf86setup etc will be removed.    

i dont understand what is going on. 
Could anyone pls. help?                                                   


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