On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 05:39:46PM -0500, Bob Underwood wrote:
| On Wednesday 02 January 2002 13:23, Pauwel Demeyer wrote:
| > hi,
| >
| > I'm going from a Mandrake 8.1 system to debian.  I've had there (some
| > weeks ago, not working anymore) internet sharing enabled.  When
| > switching, I also want it to be correct again.  The problem is My debian
| > does not recognize the second card (which is going to be the link to the
| > local network (eth1) ).  When rebooting to mandrake, both are
| > recognized.  They are of the same type, use both the same drivers
| > NE-2k-PCI.  what is going wrong?
| > If it is working, do I only have to run those commands listed in the
| > packet filtering and NAT HOWTO's?
| > Well, I ask, because I've tried to download a new kernel, but got stuck
| > when my comp said to add something in lilo.conf, becaus I start my
| > computer from floppy, due to having not only Mandrake, but also Windoze
| > XP :) so I don't want to loose them..
| >
| >
| > tnx in advance
| > Kurdt
| make sure the proper module is listed twice in /etc/modules  This may not be 
| the "correct" way but works for me.

It is correct if you use different names.  I have 2 tulip cards in
this machine :

# LinkSys LNE100TX ethernet adapter (hardware revision 2.0)
alias eth0 tulip

# LinkSys LNE100TX ethernet adapter (hardware revision 4.1)
alias eth1 tulip

In this case I have them ordered by location on the PCI bus.  It is
conceivable that at some point eth0 and eth1 would be reversed
(physically), and in that case I would RTFM to see how to specify
which one is which (I know it is possible, I've seen it mentioned here



If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our
sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
        I John 1:9

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