hi chad,

yes, ipmasqadm should work for the port forwarding. actually, i know
someone else who uses ipmasqadm to forward telnet traffic from his
external ip to another pc with a private ip.
having other users who may/will want pcanywhere may definitly be an
issue for you to consider! i've never used it myself... one of these
years i have to install it just to see what options it has - like
specifying other ports! (yes, i'm stuck with that other os at my job!)


On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 06:52:24PM -0800, Chad Morgan wrote:
| On 2002.01.02 18:29 Jason M. Harvey wrote:
| > hello,
| > 
| > if this person wants to use pcanywhere from home... which ip address is
| > he using for pcanywhere to connect to? unless he's using some sort of
| > vpn setup between home and work, he won't get to his office pc.
| > are you running masquerading on the pc if the 196.168
| > network is translated to that ip, you'll need to forward ports 5631 and
| > 5632 from back to his ip (192.168.y.z). once you've done
| > that, he will be able to pcanywhere to and invisible
| > to him will be the forwarding of pcanywhere to his private ip.
| > 
| This is actually a better idea for my worst case scenario of having to add
| another NIC if I can't get the aliased address to work.
| However, there is someone else that has been toying with the pcanywhere
| idea as well and I'm pretty sure once it is working for this guy the other
| one will want it too.
| I don't use pcanywhere so I don't know if you can manually specify a
| different port. If you can I guess I could give everyone that wants it a
| different port on the *.93 address but not using the defaults could create
| some unique support situations when people forget their assigned port or
| don't know how to change the defaults and I'd like to avoid that.
| > i've configured many routers that run NAT and needed to do the same
| > thing. i've never done port forwarding with ipchains/iptables but i'm
| > positive that it can be done. 
| > 
| I haven't setup the port forwarding yet since traffic to the address I
| wanted to use wasn't getting there anyway.
| I was planning on using ipmasqadm to do the port fowarding once I can
| forward traffic on the address that I would like to use.
| Thanks,
| Chad

registered linux user #202942

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