also sprach P Prince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001.12.31.0652 +0100]:
> Perhaps, but BIND invented its own zonefiles too.  What you fail to realize is
> how bad BIND zone files suck.

why? sure, you have to understand them, and discipline is needed to
maintain one, but they are so much more powerful than djb's files...

they are explicit, and that's important.

i tried djbdns and had to give up simply because it *couldn't* do a lot
of the things that i need my BINDs to do...

> > unfortunately, bernstein's software is severely limited by his
> > views. he's a fairly good programmer....but a lousy systems
> > administrator, with no concept of how real world sysadmins use tools
> > or how they automate them.
> I hope you don't consider youself a good systems administrator,

i hope you aren't always as negative.

> > > If conformance to standards is interesting to you, then check this
> > > out.
> >
> > djbdns does not conform to standards.  he proudly ignored any aspects of
> > the standards that were inconvenient to him.
> There is no RFC BIND!!!  Christ, man...

dude, noone ever spoke of a BIND RFC. but there are numerous RFCs around
DNS, IXFR, and AXFR. kind of relevant to a nameserver, don't you think?

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i am willing to make the mistakes
if someone else is willing to learn from them.

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