On Tue, 1 Jan 2002, Rick Macdonald wrote:

> On Tue, 1 Jan 2002, Rick Macdonald wrote:
> > 
> > Ever since I upgraded to woody many many months ago (on two different
> > machines) DPMS no longer powers off my monitors. I just can't figure it
> > out. xscreensaver blanks the screen but it never goes into power-saving
> > modes.
> > 
> > I'm actually running woody/sid.
> > 
> > Can anybody claim that this works with XFree 4.x?
> Some more info:
> When I turn on xscreensaver debug, it puts this message on the screen when
> it blanks the screen:
> xscreensaver: X says monitor is powered down; not launching a hack
> It seems like X thinks the monitor is powered down, but it isn't.

I finally found it:

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Asus AGP-V7700 GeForce2 GTS Delux"
    Driver      "nv"
# Enable DPMS for powersave mode.
    Option "DPMS"

Works again. Only took me 10 months to find the answer!


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