I'm using ssh2 (www.ssh.com), and I'm trying to login to my home machine
from the office.  After entering "ssh home", I'm presented with the
password prompt.  I enter my password, and am presented with the
password prompt again.  This occurs three times, then the connection is
broken.  Following is an excerpt from the lg files on my home machine:

Jan  3 13:48:26 exitwound sshd2[8715]: DNS lookup failed for
Jan  3 13:48:32 exitwound sshd2[8715]: password authentication failed.
Connection from denied. Authenticationas user stephen was

I've never had this problem before, although I've never attempted to
connect from this particular office.  (I have successfully connected
from other locations.)

Any thoughts on what I need to do to correct whatever the problem might
be would be greatly appreciated.

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| http://www.exitwound.org    : hard to find    |
| http://www.buckowensfan.com : he's the man    |
| The hardest thing is to disguise your         |
| feelings when you put a lot of relatives on   |
| the train for home.                           |
 -------------BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-------------
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| R tv+@ b+ DI++++ D+ G++ e++++ h---- r+++ y+++ |
 --------------END GEEK CODE BLOCK--------------

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