I use a dual-boot Win98 - RH Linux machine , on a LAN
of Windoze machines.
When my machine was booted to Win98 , my friend , whom
I can trust , copied a folder into my machine (his machine
runs the latest version of Norton Anti-Virus 2000 .. I mean
that he downloads the latest updates).
We subsequently shutdown our machines , and packed off for the day.
 The next morning when we switched on my box , only the Win drives 
C: and D: can be seen. E: and F: are missing !
 I boot to Linux and cfdisk-ed and got the following error
message from cfdisk :

FATAL ERROR : Bad Logical partition 9 : Partition ends  before sector 0.
   Press any key to exit cfdisk ....

And cfdisk showed no output ... I mean they did not show me anything ...
just the above error message.

hda9 was D: , mount commands for hda9 work well. Same under Windoze.

But as I said the problem is with the E: and F:

Am I right in suspecting a Boot-sector Virus ?
Can Windoze have a Boot-sector Virus that Norton Anti-Virus
does not detect ?

Please guide me on this.

Warm Regards,
------------([EMAIL PROTECTED])--(=)--(Shyam)---------------
"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder."
If you believe me then Debian is what you are looking at.

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