On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 07:41:38AM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
> Sam Varghese writes:
> > ntpdate always complains that it cannot find the time servers.
> > ...
> > chrony runs without complaint.
> This has got to be a configuration problem, as ntpdate and chrony use the
> same protocol, the same ports, and can use the same servers.

I've installed and configured it the same way on two machines
which have identical set-ups. One runs without complaint,
the other used to complain about time servers and not keep time
properly. I read the docs, looked up some posts on it and checked
the settings at least 10 times. It never got resolved. 
I installed chrony on the machine which was giving problems and it 
functions as it is supposed to. 

(Sam Varghese)
Software industry: unique industry where selling substandard goods is
legal and you can charge extra for fixing the problems.

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