* Dave Sherohman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:

[ dexconf ]
> And I still say that this isn't needed.

How can you say that? What about all those poor newbies who don't
know how to read TFM and edit their XF86Config-4? Surely it's better
to have a luser-friendly dancing paperclip create XF86Config for them?
The fact that it also fscks up other peoples' XF86Configs is an
unfortunate side-effect that must be endured in the name of User
Friendliness(tm). Besides, many such tools do that, people oughtta 
be used to it by now.

One distinguishing characteristic of BOFHen is attention deficit disorder.  
Put me in front of something boring and I can find a near-infinite number 
of really creative ways to bugger off.                                   -- ADB

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