I have a quad-cpu machine running a 2.2.19 kernel with the following
lines in /etc/fstab:

/dev/sda7       none    swap    sw,pri=10                       0 0
/dev/sdb7       none    swap    sw,pri=10                       0 0

but it doesn't start either swap partition until explicitly told to
do so.  The kernel has been patched for md/new-style RAID and
reiserfs support, but reiser is not in use.  I have also installed a
2.4.x kernel (along with the 2.4-capable support packages) on this
machine previously, but it didn't stick.

Any ideas on what might be preventing swap from getting started
automatically at boot?

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss

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