On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 04:41:56PM -0600, Don Meyer wrote:
> Okay, my first dumb question.
> Has X installed and working fine, updated some packages, one of which was
> "gpm" as I recall.  Now, mouse not working.  Then, ran xf86config and X
> won't start at all.  Sigh.

gpm and X may be in conflict on who owns that mouse. If that is the
case, try 

/etc/init.d/gpm stop as root.

On the other hand, X could be relying on gpm to produce mouse data in 
/dev/gpmdata. Look in /etc/X/XF86Config-4 if /dev/gpmdata is mentioned in the 
mouse section. (try grep /dev/gpmdata /etc/X/XF86Config-4)
> There was a setup program (not xf86config) that I had used during the
> install to set the mouse type etc.  It was graphical.  Any clues as to
> what that was appreciated.

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-[your xserver] will probably do the trick. "xfree86" 
is a good candidate for being your xserver.

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