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On Thursday 10 January 2002 04:18 pm, Ron Johnson wrote:
> During the upgrade, I get some scary verbiage that seems to be a
> bit contradictory.  If I'm just doing a straight minor-point-level
> upgrade, and have no extra kernel modules, is an overwrite ok?

Yes, is quite fine if you have no extra kernel modules.  (As in add-on 
modules like nvidia or pcmcia, which you would have to reinstall after the 

> Mandrake handles this by creating a new directory with a slightly
> different name.  Debian just wants me to rename the current
> /lib/modules/2.2.19-ide to /lib/modules/2.2.19-ide.old.  This
> sounds weird, since I'm using LKMs !

Perfectly normal.  Debian doesn't do this "flavoring" (as I've heard it 
called), so installing a new kernel based on the same kernel version needs to 
use the same /lib/modules/<version> directory.

Moving the current modules is no problem in this case.  It would only affect 
you if you moved them, and then needed to _load_ one of them.  It has no 
effect on currently used modules (those are kept in memory).

> What to do?  Here's the warning message:
Go ahead and move the directory, and then proceed with the upgrade.  Once 
satisfied that the new kernel works, delete the old modules (or archive them, 
in case you ever need to revert.)
- -- 
reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,map(lambda x:chr(ord(x)^42),tuple('zS^BED\nX_FOY\x0b')))
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