Thomas Hallaran wrote:

> did you make sure that whatever usb chipset module you need is insmoded

I have the UHCI_ALT driver compiled into the kernel (not as a module).
If I didn't have this, USB wouldn't work at all, right? USB does work --
I can print to my USB printer, and I see in /var/log/messages that the
camera connects but no driver recognizes it (by vendor/product ID, I

> and did you add "none /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs defaults 0 0" to your fstab
> file and mount. My coolpix 990 wokrs great. 

Hmm. No, I do not have a line in /etc/fstab for this. Is this relevant
to a 2.4.17 kernel? Is it necessary for something like a camera, but not
for a USB printer? (I suppose that's possible, since a USB printer
doesn't get mounted as a filesystem.)


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