on Fri, 11 Jan 2002 10:47:26PM +0100, marTin insinuated:
> also sprach nori heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.01.11.2155 +0100]:
> > :0f
> > | /usr/local/bin/spamassassin
> rtfm installation and manpage:
>    -P  Normally SpamAssassin will write the rewritten message
>        to the mail spool by default.  The -P parameter will
>        cause it to pipe the output to STDOUT instead.

i read that.  and removed the -P myself.  obviously i just don't
understand the workings of these pipes and recipes, and where what

- the :0f bit says "Consider the pipe as a filter."
- so, on the next line, it is piped to /usr/local/bin/spamassassin. 
- this processes it.  the spamassassin manpage -- which, having rtfmed
  *before* posting, as i do whenever possible -- told me that which
  you quoted above.  i wanted the spamassassin-processed mail to go
  into my inbox -- which i assumed to be the mail spool -- and not to
  STDOUT, at which point i would have had no idea where it would have
  sent it.  i assume from your indignance that STDOUT means it would
  go straight back into procmail, which would then filter it properly?

> so your lost mail will be in /var/mail/nori

and this is "the mail spool" referred to above?  pardon me; i didn't
know.  please don't tell me to rtfm when it was a simple terminology
confusion fromm *having* rtfmed.


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