On 01/10/02 20:36:22 -0900, Greg C. Madden wrote:
> If you don't have a XF86config-4 file you don't have a complete Xfree
> 4.x install. It seems to me when I did this I had a mix of Xfree ver 3 &
> 4, no XF86config-4 just an XF86cconfig file. I can't remember exactly
> how I fixed this but maybe using 'dselect' and removing all
> Xfree-ver.3.x packages and making sure  you have alll Xfree 4.x version
> packages.


Thanks for the response!

I am able to create an XF86Config-4 file using debconf. It's tailored
to my system's specs, and X is functional. The problem is that it's
driving my monitor at a resolution that 1) renders everything too
small to read, and 2) that AFAIK, is outstide my monitor's
capabilities. I would expect that my monitor would display some kind
of "out of range" message, but it doesn't. My manual specifies that it
is capable of 1280x1024, however X is driving it at a much higher

Also, I beleive that I have only verion 4 files on board because I
installed X after upgrading from potato. I could be wrong about that

I'm not sure where else to look. I've hunted down and renamed all my
XF86Config* files with the exception of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. I just
don't understand where it's pulling the resolution setting it's using from.

If anyone thinks of anything else...please share ;-)

  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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