On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 10:08:48PM +0000, Dougie Nisbet wrote:
> I tried LVM today, but didn't get very far. I've used fdisk to set the
> partition type, and tried to pvcreate it. But I get an i/o error. What
> have I done wrong? This is on an up to date woody system.
<snip /> 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# uname -a
> Linux guestw 2.4.16 #1 Fri Jan 11 10:31:57 GMT 2002 i686 unknown
is your kernel lvm version the same as as lvm10 package?
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -l lvm* | grep ii
ii  lvm-common     1.3            The Logical Volume Manager for Linux (common
ii  lvm10          1.0.1rc2-1     The Logical Volume Manager for Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dmesg | grep LVM
LVM version 1.0.1(26/11/2001)

if not this might be the problem. i usually get the cvs source and patch
the kernel. 

hth martin
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