On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 05:05:42PM -0600, Richard Cobbe wrote:
| Lo, on Thursday, January 10, dman did write:
| <SNIP>
| One minor nit to pick from an otherwise very good explanation (and I
| wouldn't bother, except that I've been bitten by this before).
| > This directive tells exim to use that name as the hostname in the SMTP
| > greeting (HELO/EHLO) instead of that reported by the gethostbyname() C
| > function (which returns the first thing after in
| > /etc/hosts).
| <SNIP>
| Not quite.  gethostbyname() returns the host record for whatever name or
| address you supply as a parameter.  I think, although I'm not actually
| certain, that by default, MTAs like exim use the machine's FQDN on the
| HELO/EHLO line.

Yes, by default exim uses the result of uname() or gethostbyname() in
the EHLO line.

| Finding the FQDN is a somewhat complicated process:

Somewhat.  Here's what I learned from my experiences :

/etc/hosts :  localhost dman
/etc/hostname :
    domain ddts.net

So my machine is "dman.ddts.net", right?  Not quite.

The uname() function only returns "dman".  Since it doesn't contain
any dots, exim continues with gethostbyname() to find the FQHN.

| 2) Pass this value to gethostbyname(3)

That's an interesing choice.  When I was testing out the results to
see what this function does, I passed "localhost" to gethostbyname().

I found that gethostbyname() returned the first thing in the
line.  That was why exim was using "localhost" in gethostbyname() (and
hotmail's mx handlers were rejecting that).  When I put
"dman.ddts.net" as the first entry on the line, exim
(correctly) used that in the EHLO line.

The easiest, but not wholly correct, solution was to set
"primary_hostname" in exim.conf.  After determining the above, though,
I corrected /etc/hosts so that all programs can properly determine the

| In either situation, the order of the hostnames on the line *is*
| signficant!




It took the computational power of three Commodore 64s to fly to the moon.
It takes at least a 486 to run Windows 95.
Something is wrong here.

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