On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 01:38:43PM -0600, Nori Heikkinen wrote:
| on Sat, 12 Jan 2002 01:20:52PM +0100, marTin insinuated:
| > have you set VERBOSE=yes and then pinpointed one such message
| > creation?
| ah, no.  ::cough cough::
| now i have.
| what's the easiest way to monitor a logfile like that?  i know there's
| a command to just keep it open so you can watch it; i've seen you do
| it ...

tail -f <filename>

It's really cool for watching logfiles.

| on Sat, 12 Jan 2002 01:26:53PM +0100, marTin insinuated:
| > it's simply what mutt makes of a an empty file in your Maildir. it's
| > Jan 01 1970 by the way :)
| right, that makes sense. 

If you use "h" on a message you can see all the headers.  For example
I have 
    ignore *
    unignore <list of headers I want to see>
in my muttrc so that I only see interesting headers in the pager.  If
I want to see all of them I simply press "h" instead of enter.  Note,
though, that 'h' is like a toggle.  The first time you press it you'll
see the message with all the headers.  The next time just press enter
and you'll still see all the headers.  Then press 'h' again and you'll
see only the headers you usually see.



Microsoft encrypts your Windows NT password when stored on a Windows CE
device. But if you look carefully at their encryption algorithm, they
simply XOR the password with "susageP", Pegasus spelled backwards.
Pegasus is the code name of Windows CE. This is so pathetic it's


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