On Tue, 15 Jan 2002 14:29:18 -0600, Nori Heikkinen wrote:

>on Tue, 15 Jan 2002 10:52:29AM +0100, marTin insinuated:
>> xset from the console (manually) works?
>> xset in .xsession, and executed from the console works?
< excise a bunch of stuff >
>i've got the lines that should be setting the keyboard rate first, but
>even though they seem to be working, the passphrase that i enter right
>after it is sensitive to aaaaa's and ssssss's, obviously *not* having
>set the keyboard rate.

Nori, I don't recall if this suggestion has been tried, and if so, never

If your problems with repeated keys occurs only on certain keys, it
could very well be a hardware fault.  Were it a software phenomenon, I
would expect *every* key to be affected.  A basic problem with any
mechanical switching device (read 'key') is bounce.  That is, as the
switch makes, the contacts bounce back creating a break, followed by
another make, followed....  Should the spring-rate/mass combo approach
resonance,  or damping be insufficient, this make-break sequence can be
excessive, going on for longer than the built in delay.

Which brings up 'delay.'  Delay can be created as simply as putting a
capacitor across the switch points, or looping a bunch of gates that
latch out the switch condition after everything has settled down.  These
can go bad too.

Any part of the above going bad can cause *your* single keystroke to be
seen by the polling device as multiple strokes.  So, if you haven't yet,
beg borrow or steal another keyboard to see if the problem persists.

gt--the pedant has left the hall
Yes I fear I am living beyond my mental means--Nash

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