On Tue Mar 18, 2003 at 10:15:30PM +0100, the boisterous
Mark Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote to me:
> Sorry for not replying to the message and creating a new mail, but
> I allready deleted the original mails.
> The escapes are for BOLD text, and by using zcat manual.txt.gz you will
> see the bold text, but it'll just scroll by too fast :).
> 'less' is no help here, it also displays the escapes, but 'more'
> doesn't...
> try it: zcat manual.txt.gz | more
> And be happy... at least... somewhat happy... less would be better :)

more works for me. Should someone file a bug against mutt for the F1

so long

  ___    Obviously we do not want to leave zombies around.
_/___\     - W. Richard Stevens
 ( ^ >   Thomas Krennwallner <djmaecki at ull dot at>
 /   \   1024D/67A1DA7B 9484 D99D 2E1E 4E02 5446  DAD9 FF58 4E59 67A1 DA7B
(__\/_)_ http://bigfish.ull.at/~djmaecki/

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