On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 07:25:32PM +0000, Ted Harding wrote:
| I'd like to suggest giving 'groff' a try.

| I reckon it's well up with TeX, and better in some respects.

Can you provide a list of the tradeoffs between [gnt]roff and (La)TeX?

I've started with LaTeX; read lshort and now have Lamport's book.
I've barely seen some snippets of roff source.  A prof. I have now
(Ken Reek) used a roff clone to typeset all of his handouts.  They
look nice too.

I'm interested in knowing the differences and tradeoffs between the
two systems, and how easy/quick is learning roff?



Stay away from a foolish man,
for you will not find knowledge on his lips.
        Proverbs 14:7

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