On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 09:06:56AM -0500, Greg Berenfield wrote:
> I have a box with Redhat on it and would love to be able to install
> debian-woody on it, remotely (simply by ssh'ing into redhat box).
> Is there a method/program to do this without having said box in front of me?

Copy the debootstrap package onto your RH system.  Create a
subdirectory on a partition with a lot of space.  Run debootstrap to
initially populate the subdir.  Chroot to the subdir. Use dselect or
apt-get to load the rest of the packages you want.  Don't forget ssh!
Copy the resulting system back onto your real root, usr, and var
partitions (with the exception of your /boot directory -- I recommend
waiting until you're running real Debian before trying to change
kernels).  Make sure a bunch of things in /etc are right (fstab,
lilo.conf, ssh/*, passwd, probably some others).  Make sure
/sbin/start-stop-daemon is the real thing and not the fake one that
debootstrap initially uses.  Re-run lilo. Cross your fingers and
reboot.  Find out the hard way that I've forgotten something crucial :-)

Eric C. Cooper          e c c @ c m u . e d u

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