On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 10:31:04AM -0600, Matt Fair wrote:
> dd if=/tmp/tmpimage.png of=/dev/md0

Heh...  I did something very similar the first time I tried to create
a tarball.

> Not smart, this was to write to my raid system.
> Now when I do an ls I get something like:
> ls: lib: Input/output error

Uh-huh.  You overwrote the start of the filesystem (which typically
includes things like the root directory) with your PNG.

> I there a way I can recover any data?  

Run fsck on the partition and it will do its best to recover.  Best
case, your directory structure will be rebuilt and a lot of files
will appear in lost+found, where you can examine and (hopefully)
identify them.

> Shouldn't it be redundant?

Yes, and I'm sure it is.  The redundancy in a RAID only protects
against hardware failure, though, not user error.

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss

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