Mark Ferlatte wrote:

Does anyone out there use ICQ under Debian? So far I've tried licq and
gaim with the ICQ plugin, and both of them have very annoying problems
(messages get lost, or messages from previous sessions get delivered
again on client startup... this is a problem when you have 20+
messages that come in everytime you start your ICQ client).

I'm considering installing WINE and trying to get the Windows ICQ client
to work, but that seems both iffy, and difficult, since I don't have a
Windows machine anymore to steal DLL's from (although I do have a Win98
CD, so I may be able to just extract them as needed).

Suggestions would be very welcome at this point.  Unfortunately, the
suggestion to drop ICQ for another IM is not feasible, due to the
infamous Circumstances Beyond My Control (tm).

Thanks for any help,


I used to use centericq, it is a console app, and I think it's quite nice.

apt-get install centericq


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