
I recently updated my stable, but out of date, SuSE system to Debian
Potato (2.2r4).  I'm now trying to smooth out some of the wrinkles.

I use a lot of html locally for internal documents, all of which I
markup manually with Emacs.  Since upgrading there are two problems
I have not seen before.

1. Whenever editing HTML file I get the following error:

        external entity html not found

2. My automatic indentation is not functioning the way I like it.  In
   particular, when a line automatically wraps to the next line, it
   indents the text to the right and I have to delete the spaces at
   the beginning of the line for *every* *single* *line* I enter.
   This slows me down.

I am neither an Emacs nor an SGML expert.  Could somebody steer me
toward the correct solutions to these issues.

Thank you.

Arne Flones
flones at longship dot net

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