On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, David Wright wrote:

> I don't need top 3D performance, so I would prefer not have have to
> deal with nVidia's closed-source drivers -- isn't there also an
> open-source driver from XFee86-4? ("nv"?) And shouldn't the kernel
> load agpart to use the AGP slot? How do I get it to do this stuff?

You get nVidia's drivers with the source and compile it yourself from
thier site.  The licence is strange and definately qualifies as
non-free.  This shouldn't be much of a problem unless you follow
perfectly in RMS's footsteps.

> Also, once I get proper video output, how do I configure a default
> window manager and gnome desktop for all users?

Install them.  I believe it'll prompt if you want to make it the

You might also want to check your line wraps and crank them down to 72
columns, it appears your line wraps are not turned on right now...


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